Friday 25 April 2008


Advantage/Reason of Owning A Paypal Account You will need it for Online Businesses:

In case you don't realize how important this e-book is, I have

dedicated this whole chapter to educate you on this. I will tell you about thing s you have never thought you can need a paypal account for. Apart from a credit card,Paypal is the only online merchant that allows automatic payment. That is if you are a very busy person, or you are involved in so many things online, you do not have to keep a schedule for renewing your subscription. You can configure your paypal account to do that for you and it automatically pays your subscription as and when due. This saves you the embarrassment of having to later find out that your web hosting, domain name,

membership subscription, content provider subscription has expired.

You need a paypal account because; you will hardly lose money to

fraudulent sellers who promise what they do not possess. Therefore, if you receive a product and it falls below your expectation, you can ask for a refund

and if the seller refuses, you can open a dispute and at the end get your money back. Isn't that amazing? This is called chargeback


You will need a paypal account if you are involved in online surveys.

Now don't say that's not necessary as I know a couple of guys making up to $1000 monthly from online surveys and receiving their earnings by paypal. Most of these survey companies prefer to pay with paypal and so you can not

have a piece of this cake if you do not own a paypal account.

Internet Joint Venture If you want to join a joint venture, owning a Paypal account becomes very necessary. Though you can receive you earnings by check also, you know what are just starting off, owning a paypal account will be a better option.To Participate with EBay BusinessThe ebay business also one of the reasons of having a paypal account.
Haveyou ever dreamt of taking part in the world's biggest online auction

site like this before certainly not, where you can buy and sell at unbelievable

prices? EBay is owned by the owners of paypal and they have made paypal the preferred payment option on this site know that paypal is one of the best secure payment processor.Though you can also pay with credit cards, the preferred option remains paypal.


It is the preferred online Payment Merchant, which is widely used with

so many web companies on the Internet to accept payment.

For me the most important reason why you should own a paypal account is

the fact that, over 60% of websites will accept paypal. I think it is cheap

thinking to resort to do business with the remaining 40% only. If you want to

derive maximum utility from the internet, you should not have yourself limited by your geographical location. Not even your nationality should be a snag. With this account you are in control of your own net business without begging other people to help you make online payments.

On the paypal home page, you will find the sign up area.

What you will need

NAME: First a first name and a surname. If you don't have a name please

get one. Email Address: Initially you can not open a paypal account with a

free email address. Thank God you no longer have to make that expense of getting a paid email address as they now accept any kind of email. So your regular Yahoo,hotmail or whatever email will do. Password: Think of a password. Note that your password should be alpha numeric i.e. Must comprise both alphabets and numbers. Else you'll get hacked so soon.

Address: Now this is the one most important area as far as signing up

for a paypal account is concerned. You will have to get a foreign address. So

if you have a relative abroad, ask them whether you can use theirs. If not get

any address as long as you do not get involved in fraudulent activities. I

recommend a US address as you can never tell which country paypal is going to ban next. All I know is that it is definitely not US. For the simple reason that you can't get your self banned no matter how much fraud you are involved in.

This address will serve as your billing information. So it must have

the name of the street, zip code, and phone number.

Phone: You can use any phone number of the country you intent to use as

your country of residence. The only snag here is that, paypal may just call

one day and find out that you are not the same person. With that your account

gets banned. This usually happens if you are involved in transaction of

large sums of money. However this occurs in very rare cases. For example, for four years now I have never received a call from paypal. But if you are worried and want to be on the safe side, you can get a skype phone number for that country and use that. You will receive the call here in Nigeria if paypal ever decides to call you.Interestingly, skype now accepts e-gold.


First, make sure the IP address of the cyber café or your ISP's IP is

not Nigerian or any other non-Paypal country. I have discussed how you can do this extensively in subsequent chapters. This is deliberate so that you

don't rush to opening an account after this and get yourself into unnecessary

troubles. So you will have to read to the end of this e-book.

Haven concluded this procedure; you click on the sign up link and sign

up just like every other sign up procedure. Here you will see this image

The above are fictitious details please do not use it.

On completing the sign up, you will receive a confirmation email from

Paypal,you can either decide to continue with the process, or log into your

box and click the confirmation link. This confirms your email with Paypal.

Now the difficult part; I have decided to discuss this in a different

chapter, as I do not categorize the next procedure as part of opening an account.Reason? At this stage of opening a Paypal account, you can claim to own a Paypal account.

You can even receive money with it, you can fund it. So in a sense it's

an account. But you will decide whether or not this serves the purpose of

an account for you when I tell you what you can not do with this type of an


1. You can not buy with it. Paypal will not let you.

2. You can not send money

3. You can not withdraw

4. You can see the money in the account but never to touch it.