Friday 25 April 2008


First, make sure the IP address of the cyber café or your ISP's IP is

not Nigerian or any other non-Paypal country. I have discussed how you can do this extensively in subsequent chapters. This is deliberate so that you

don't rush to opening an account after this and get yourself into unnecessary

troubles. So you will have to read to the end of this e-book.

Haven concluded this procedure; you click on the sign up link and sign

up just like every other sign up procedure. Here you will see this image

The above are fictitious details please do not use it.

On completing the sign up, you will receive a confirmation email from

Paypal,you can either decide to continue with the process, or log into your

box and click the confirmation link. This confirms your email with Paypal.

Now the difficult part; I have decided to discuss this in a different

chapter, as I do not categorize the next procedure as part of opening an account.Reason? At this stage of opening a Paypal account, you can claim to own a Paypal account.

You can even receive money with it, you can fund it. So in a sense it's

an account. But you will decide whether or not this serves the purpose of

an account for you when I tell you what you can not do with this type of an


1. You can not buy with it. Paypal will not let you.

2. You can not send money

3. You can not withdraw

4. You can see the money in the account but never to touch it.


Banking Information said...

An informative blog on Online Bank Account Opening with just an app in less time as compared to visiting a store.

Paras Rastogi said...

Thank you for sharing this valuable and important info with us. To know more on New Savings Account