Friday 25 April 2008


Advantage/Reason of Owning A Paypal Account You will need it for Online Businesses:

In case you don't realize how important this e-book is, I have

dedicated this whole chapter to educate you on this. I will tell you about thing s you have never thought you can need a paypal account for. Apart from a credit card,Paypal is the only online merchant that allows automatic payment. That is if you are a very busy person, or you are involved in so many things online, you do not have to keep a schedule for renewing your subscription. You can configure your paypal account to do that for you and it automatically pays your subscription as and when due. This saves you the embarrassment of having to later find out that your web hosting, domain name,

membership subscription, content provider subscription has expired.

You need a paypal account because; you will hardly lose money to

fraudulent sellers who promise what they do not possess. Therefore, if you receive a product and it falls below your expectation, you can ask for a refund

and if the seller refuses, you can open a dispute and at the end get your money back. Isn't that amazing? This is called chargeback


Anonymous said...

This information is very helpful. Thank You for sharing such valuable information with us. Visit

Paras Rastogi said...

Thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful info with the how-to's!!!! It is so appreciated!!!You can find out more on Saving Account